Meet the members of C Team


Alejandra De Leon— Class of 2025

Major: International Affairs and Criminal Justice Minor: History From: Miami, FL

This is Alejandra’s second year as a character witness! Alejandra is also a member of LatAm Business Club, the Undergraduate Research Club, and is a CSSH peer mentor. Alejandra is looking forward to seeing how the case develops throughout the season and being surrounded by a supportive group of people!

Awards: Outstanding Witness at Bryant University’s Tupper Classic 

Joshua Kessler— Class of 2025

Major: Political Science and Philosophy Minor: Environmental Studies From: Long Island, NY

This is Joshua’s first year in mock trial as the prosecution opener! He is also involved in Chess Club and intramural sports including spike ball, pickleball, and mini golf. Joshua is looking forward to getting to know everyone and continuing on the awesome path the club is already on this season. 

Emily Tanner— Class of 2027

Major: Business Administration and Political Science From: Cranston, RI

This is Emily’s first year in college mock trial as the defense closer. She is also involved in Phi Alpha Delta and the NU Downhill Skiers. Emily is an adrenaline junkie and loves to be active and adventurous through skiing, hiking, skydiving, and riding roller coasters! She hopes mock trial will help her hone her public speaking and critical thinking skills while building connections with her teammates.

Awards: Outstanding Attorney at Brandeis University’s Justice Louis D. Brandeis Invitational


Parker Campbell— Class of 2026

Major: Undeclared From: Seattle, WA

Parker is the defense opener on C Team! This is his first year in college mock trial, but he competed for three years in high school. Parker hopes to increase his confidence in public speaking and be a part of collaborative teamwork!

Michelle Gukhman— Class of 2027

Major: Criminal Justice and Psychology From: Goshen, NY

This is Michelle’s first year in college mock trial as a prosecution closer! Fun fact: English is Michelle’s second language; she is fluent in Russian. Michelle is looking forward to getting a better understanding of the law and getting to know her teammates!

Michelle Rubin— Class of 2025

Major: Philosophy Minor: Criminal Justice and Law & Public Policy From: Florida

This is Michelle’s second year in mock trial at Northeastern! Along with mock trial, she is a peer mentor for CSSH. In her second year in the organization, she wants to build a sense of community and gain legal experience.

Benny Wu— Class of 2025

Major: Mechanical Engineering From: China and Peru

Benny has been a witness in mock trial for 3 years, but this year decided to dabble in the attorney role! Along with mock trial he is a member of Forge and AerospaceNU. Benny is looking forward to having fun and coming up with creative ideas with his teammates.


Paige Herman— Class of 2025

Major: Philosophy (concentrating in Law & Ethics) From: Allentown, PA

This is Paige’s second year in mock trial, but her first as a witness (last year she was defense opener!). When she isn’t at mock trial, she is involved in NUStage, Ethics Bowl , and Phi Alpha Delta. This season, Paige hopes mock trial will give her more experience in the legal field, a competitive environment, and friends!

Awards: Outstanding Witness at Bryant University’s Upper Class; Outstanding Witness at Brandeis University’s Justice Louis D. Brandeis Invitational

Evy LaVelle— Class of 2025

Major: Environmental Engineering From: Orinda, CA

This is Evy’s third year in mock trial but her first year as a witness! She also plays intramural soccer at Northeastern and wants to continue to make friends and do well in competitions!

Elexa Neukirch— Class of 2026

Major: Political Science and Philosophy From: Reading, PA

This is Elexa’s second year in mock trial as an expert and character witness! Along with mock trial she works as a peer tutor. This year Elexa wants to continue to develop her public speaking skills, her knowledge of legal terminology, and to have continued success while building connections with her team!