Our program runs on a yearly cycle, meaning the only opportunity to join each year occurs in the fall.

We host tryouts in mid-September where we ask prospective attorneys and witnesses to engage in practice direct examinations, cross examinations, and speeches.

In order to stay up to date on when tryouts will be, join our email list, follow our Instagram, and check out our table at Fall Fest!

How to Join

Key Dates

Fall Fest: September 5th

in-person: 12pm-4pm

virtually: 5pm-6pm

Info Session: September 7th

IV 022: 6pm-8pm

Tryouts: September 11-13

More about tryouts

How are teams structured?

We have three teams consisting of 8-10 members each. This typically includes 3-4 witnesses and 4-6 attorneys.

How are competitors placed?

At first, our teams are stacked evenly based on skill and experience, giving newer competitors a chance to learn from and get to know their more seasoned teammates! After each pre-stack team has competed in at least one competition, we restructure our teams into a A, B, and C teams based on skill.